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Reflecting on Math Fluency

Reflecting on Math Fluency

How can we refine our approach to ensure students develop fluency in ways that stick?How Do We Get There? First and foremost, I recommend you start with a fluency check of your classroom. Not for...

We’re Ruining Base Ten Blocks

We’re Ruining Base Ten Blocks

Recently I was working with a teacher who was starting a decimal unit. I recommended using place value blocks as one manipulative for introducing decimals.  I was hit with something I hear quite...

Making Martin Luther King Jr. Day Count

Making Martin Luther King Jr. Day Count

What has MLK day traditionally looked like in schools? Martin Luther King Jr Day is right around the corner. Most classrooms cover the holiday with some sort of activity right before students have...

Gratitude Journals Are Exactly What Students Need

Gratitude Journals Are Exactly What Students Need

Holy crap, this year from hell is almost over. But let's get real, it's not like January 1st has some mystical powers that realign all that's wrong in the world. The beginning of the year will have...

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